1. The vehicle will be destined to transport persons only, without self-profits, and respecting the capacity of it. It will be driven by the solicitant only and it cannot be subleased, given to others or used in other ways without the written consent given by CAMPANARIO RENTACAR The vehicle cannot be taken outside Argentina without the corresponding additional permission.
2. In any case and under any circumstances the solicitant can put himself the title of representative, agent or chief executive of CAMPANARIO RENTACAR
3. The location duration is deduced from the respective dates chosen, and the automatic extension cannot be done under any circumstance. The exceeded period of the rented vehicle will be considered with a mere tolerance of ELEPHANT S.R.L, which can pick the vehicle up in any moment, and in its most convenient way without any oppositions by the solicitant. The exceeded period will be paid by the customer according to the current rates given by CAMPANARIO RENTACAR
4. The solicitant will be the holder of the vehicle assuming all the civil and penal responsibilities this contract implies, during the rental period and until its return to CAMPANARIO RENTACAR
5. When the contract period expires, the solicitant should return the hired vehicle immediately in the same conditions that was received and at CAMPANARIO RENTACAR address.
6. The solicitant is responsible, during the hire period, of the material and/or legal care of the vehicle and it is its responsibility to compensate to CAMPANARIO RENTACAR or to its insurance company for the following damages: A) Any damage to the property caused to or by the hired vehicle. B) Any damage done to persons and/or goods transported in the hired vehicle. C) Any damage to third persons. D) Any fine due to violation against rules and/or city, province, federal and/or state traffic ordinances. E) Lost profits of CAMPANARIO RENTACAR resulting from the physical and/or juridical impossibility of the vehicle affectation for the hire service. F) Any moral damage caused by the solicitant to third persons.
7. The solicitant will pay to ELEPHANT S.R.L cash and at its address for the rent and other charges, according to the basis and rates given in this agreement for the agreed period, thus any exceeded period of the return date to ELEPHANT S.R.L and its reception with entire satisfaction. The amount to be paid by the solicitant deduced from the settlement should be completely paid when the hired vehicle is returned.
8. The solicitant is responsible of the additional cost of the insurance for damages caused to or by the hired vehicle, whatever would be the cause of the damage, crash, turnover,
tumble, fire, theft, etc. The payment does not exclude the solicitant to pay the costs of reparation or reposition of the vehicle in case it is the solicitant´s responsibility.
In case of accident the solicitant should call immediately to ELEPHANT S.R.L and it cannot exceed 24 hours from the accident to the call.
9. It is completely forbidden to drive the hired vehicle in the following conditions: A) Under the influence of alcohol, medicine or drugs. B) Without the current driving license given by competent authorities and accepted by argentine authorities. C) Violating the respective traffic rules and ordinances.
10. The hired vehicle cannot be used in: A) Different uses to the ones established in this contract, or the transport of passengers or other type of public service. B) Transport of charge, heavy or dangerous packages. C) Dangerous or illicit actions. D) Trailers of any type. E) Different places to the ones established in this contract. F) Car or speed contests, etc., or any kind of contest. G) Routes or roads that were not declared as open to traffic by competent authorities.
11. The solicitant has the compromise to accomplish all the above mentioned conditions and knows that the breach of any of them allows CAMPANARIO RENTACAR to finish the hire contract without any requirement and/or previous intimation; resulting in charge of the solicitant all responsibility assumed with the sign of it. The violation to any clause of this contract means the commission of penal crimes indicated to CAMPANARIO RENTACAR
12. The amount indicated in this contract will be deposited to CAMPANARIO RENTACAR as guarantee of accomplishment of it, being CAMPANARIO RENTACAR able to use it partial or totally in order to pay any of the hire emergent obligations without notice or to apply to any formality or requirement.
13. CAMPANARIO RENTACAR has the right of asking the solicitant for a guarantor, main payer, responsible for the paying of every emergent obligation of the hire contract in charge of the solicitant
14. CAMPANARIO RENTACAR is not responsible for the items forgotten or lost inside the vehicle.
15. The solicitant must pay the stamp taxes this contract would require.
16. Both parts agree that in case of any difference and/or claim derived from the present contract, it will be sent to the court of San Carlos de Bariloche, giving up any other regional code or jurisdiction that could correspond.